for the pointless crap previously found on AltComMoCult


Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Sport with Macca

Mixed Netball Grand Final!!

Hey netball fans, this coming Tuesday night is Traindodgers time. Runners up in the Vic Park Summer B-Grade League, the Dodgers stepped up their game and have qualified for the UWA A-Grade Mixed Netball Grand Final.

Featuring Gene Eaton and Stephanie Breen in the Defensive D, Melody Miolin, Amy Blondell and James MacNeil in the midfield and Coup Couper and Megan Moir in the goals, the Dodgers are the hottest thing you'll ever watch. ever.

Come along at a time i'll update when we know, and cheer for the Black, Grey and Gold!


and if you don't like netball, there are plenty of girls to look at

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Entertainment With Glassie II

The other day i went out and i rented Superman II from Planet Video. Now being a big fan of the first Superman movie, i was eager to re-view Superman II. I saw it when i was younger, and most of the movie lay fresh in my mind, but seeming as the new Superman Returns, set to be released in June, is set in between Superman II and III i thought i would give it a go so that i can understand where Superman II left off and how it ties in with the new one.
What a load of crap it was. Take one look at Superman: The Movie, and although the special effects are somewhat outdated, and a little cheesey, it contains a majesty, and a feel that this film could have captured again, but decided not to.
The reason? The bloke who directed Superman: The Movie, Richard Donner (The Goonies, Lethal Weapon I, II, III) was definately on board to make Superman II, but after making 75% of the entire film, Warner Brothers sacked him. The booted him out because the movie was going over budget and they thought he was a prick. So they invited Richard Lester (It's Trad Dad, Cuba, bet you haven't sen them!) to come on board. He was an even bigger prick, so the entire crew left and followed Richard Donner. But Warner Brothers, who didnt care, just hired some dodgy filmmakers to complete some of the fill in scenes that Donner and his crew didnt get to make. The cast Stayed of course, and so did some of the contracted set builders. Richard Lester basically ended up shooting another 10 hours worth of footage, which equates to 25 minutes of the whole film. The Donner directed footage in the movie adds up to about an hour or so. there is about 20 mins of flying scenes that are just footage from the first film. But now there is word that Richard Donner has enough footage from Superman II that he directed, to make his own cut of the film and give the story what it deserves. Because it truly is a great contuination of the Superman story, and its a damn shame that Warner Brothers did a Batman and Robin on Supermans metal ass. They owe it to the fans, at least.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Music History with James

Some awesome clips from my formative years:)

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The Bali Nine (Questions)

with Soapbox Poets drummer Mikey Dean-Smith

Q. How was your day?
A. Awesome. practiced drums, then taught drums, then went to my church and well ... played drums
Q. What is your plan for the year?
A. Get more and more students and travel to england and teach there as well
Q. Write yourself a question (and answer it). Am I nice?
A. Well i try to be
Q. What was the last CD you bought?
A. Amnesiac (Radiohead)
Q. What is your favourite team?
A. England (soccer)
Q. What book have your read more than once?
A. The bible, over and over
Q. Live to eat, or eat to live?
A. mmm, interesting question. i'll tell you when i'm starving to death
Q. What is your drug of choice?
A. Coke. the drug or the drink?
Q. When was the last time you spoke to your parents?
A. Ten minutes ago

Art with James

Mr. Squiggle Exhibition

Local hipsters Briony Stewart and Campbell Whyte kick arse. On Monday night their Squiggle Off exhibition opened at Keith & Lottie in Northbridge, and 90% of their shit sold. The other 10% won't last long.
The works all came from their clever website Mr. Squiggle, where Briony and Campbell take turns submitting "squiggles" for the other to turn into a polished art pieces: Nintendo homages, Degas-esque ballet dancers, body paintings...
Printed onto canvas and framed with the original squiggles, the pieces speak flatteringly of a great concept and unique, quirky dialogues.
The exhibition is at the Keith & Lottie gallery (open 11am-6pm at 276 William St, Northbridge -- just behind Central Tafe) from now until the 24th of May, and there is talk of a later-in-the-year London show where the Metro newspaper ran an unexpected feature article a few weeks ago.
Of course, check out the original website at

Friday, May 12, 2006

Entertainment with Glassie

Doing Time For Boba Fett

Yoda had taken Bobas rocketpack out with a force push! Boba Fett was now rocketless. Rocketless and pissed off...

'That's it you little green piece of shit, i have had enough of you now, no more games' Boba Fett shreiked. He pulled out his blaster...

Boba swung his gun upwards and aimed towards Yodas chest, and it hit good. Blood poured out of the little green bastards heart...

Yoda yepled in pain, his jedi powers could not help him this time. He had failed. Every midichlorian in his body seeped out of his wound...

After Boba had finished pumping Yoda full of laser blasts, he took him away, and put him in his 'Jedi Filth Museum'...

The End

By Glassie

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Music with James

Oh, wow...

I know that 80s bashing-come-revival isn't cool anymore, but i had to link this film clip. In 1988 Sabrina reached #11 on the ARIA charts, with her Smash! hit Boys, Boys, Boys (Summertime Love). Awesome. My family had it on a cassette compilation, and it still has a special place in my heart. Too bad i was four when the film clip came out, and hadn't developed my perverted instincts yet. Check out how frequently she has to adjust her bikini top...

The Bali Nine (Questions)

with Jake Douglas of The Horse Surgeons.

Q: How was your day?
A. It was mediocre.
Q. What is your plan for the year?
A. get money, buy a guitar, buy a new car and live.
Q. Write yourself a question. Why is the sky blue?
A.' cause of the atmosphere
Q. What was the last CD you bought?
A. Joy Division - Substance
Q. What is your favourite team?
A. Eagles
Q. What book have your read more than once?
A. "The Hellbound Heart" by Clive Barker
Q. Live to eat, or eat to live?
A. Eat to live.
Q. What is your drug of choice?
A. Probably ectasy, anything i dont inject or sniff up my nose.
Q. When was the last time you spoke to your parents?
A. last night

Sports with James

Steve Nash Wins Consecutive MVP Awards

Phoenix Suns guard Steve Nash was awarded the highest individual honour in the NBA on Monday, collecting the Most Valuable Player trophy for the second time in as many years. The award, previously won by Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson and Willis Reed, is voted by a panel of journalists recognizing outstanding perfomance during the 82-game regular season.

Steve (left), born in South Africa to Canadian parents, was drafted by the Suns in 1996 with the 15th pick, behind players such as Vitaly Potapenko, Todd Fuller and Kobe Bryant. He was traded to Dallas in 1998, where he failed to win the MVP trophy during his 6-year stay. However, upon returning to Phoenix two seasons ago, he hasn't come any lower than "league-best".

Not bad for a 6-3 white guy with girlish shoulder length hair.

Steve averaged 18.8 points and 10.5 assists for the Suns, who finished the regualr season with a 54-28 win-loss record. He also posted career-high single game records of assists (22) and 3-pointers made (7) over the course of the season. Below is one of his standard assists.

Runner up for the MVP award was Cleveland Cavaliers 21 year-old LeBron James, followed by Dirk Nowitzki (Dallas), Kobe Bryant (LA Lakers) and Chauncey Billups (Detroit).

Alt Alt journalists were unable to secure an interview with Steve.

Regular Columns

hey guys, it's macca. in a bid to raise hits and convince advertisers to sponsor this site, i am lobbying witty and hip writers to contribute with regular columns on this site. Unfortunately, there will be no financial compensation for their time and words, as -- of course -- we will never recieve money to support this kind of wank.

But who says good writers aren't charitable with their wares?

If you have thoughts on who you'd like to see blog on Alt-AltComMoCult, post a comment on this thread leaving their name and an interesting theme you'd think they could write under.

then we will just ask them to do it.

Also, if you would like to contribute under the themes of Sports, Music, Film & TV, Weather, Travel, History, Jokes & Goodtimes, Dating & Social Scene and/or General Interviews, please title your post with the appropriate topic and your name, eg Film & TV with James.

awesome. thanks

Inappropriate Places to Get a Hard On #2


Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Dudes, check this shit out, it may be the most immature thing youve ever read, it may be the funniest. Well probably not the funniest ive definately read funnier shit than this before, but its is quite funny nontheless, you might have to right-click and choose open in new window to get it to come up:

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