for the pointless crap previously found on AltComMoCult

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Bali Nine (Questions)

with Jake Douglas of The Horse Surgeons.

Q: How was your day?
A. It was mediocre.
Q. What is your plan for the year?
A. get money, buy a guitar, buy a new car and live.
Q. Write yourself a question. Why is the sky blue?
A.' cause of the atmosphere
Q. What was the last CD you bought?
A. Joy Division - Substance
Q. What is your favourite team?
A. Eagles
Q. What book have your read more than once?
A. "The Hellbound Heart" by Clive Barker
Q. Live to eat, or eat to live?
A. Eat to live.
Q. What is your drug of choice?
A. Probably ectasy, anything i dont inject or sniff up my nose.
Q. When was the last time you spoke to your parents?
A. last night

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