for the pointless crap previously found on AltComMoCult

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Entertainment With Glassie II

The other day i went out and i rented Superman II from Planet Video. Now being a big fan of the first Superman movie, i was eager to re-view Superman II. I saw it when i was younger, and most of the movie lay fresh in my mind, but seeming as the new Superman Returns, set to be released in June, is set in between Superman II and III i thought i would give it a go so that i can understand where Superman II left off and how it ties in with the new one.
What a load of crap it was. Take one look at Superman: The Movie, and although the special effects are somewhat outdated, and a little cheesey, it contains a majesty, and a feel that this film could have captured again, but decided not to.
The reason? The bloke who directed Superman: The Movie, Richard Donner (The Goonies, Lethal Weapon I, II, III) was definately on board to make Superman II, but after making 75% of the entire film, Warner Brothers sacked him. The booted him out because the movie was going over budget and they thought he was a prick. So they invited Richard Lester (It's Trad Dad, Cuba, bet you haven't sen them!) to come on board. He was an even bigger prick, so the entire crew left and followed Richard Donner. But Warner Brothers, who didnt care, just hired some dodgy filmmakers to complete some of the fill in scenes that Donner and his crew didnt get to make. The cast Stayed of course, and so did some of the contracted set builders. Richard Lester basically ended up shooting another 10 hours worth of footage, which equates to 25 minutes of the whole film. The Donner directed footage in the movie adds up to about an hour or so. there is about 20 mins of flying scenes that are just footage from the first film. But now there is word that Richard Donner has enough footage from Superman II that he directed, to make his own cut of the film and give the story what it deserves. Because it truly is a great contuination of the Superman story, and its a damn shame that Warner Brothers did a Batman and Robin on Supermans metal ass. They owe it to the fans, at least.

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