for the pointless crap previously found on AltComMoCult

Friday, May 12, 2006

Entertainment with Glassie

Doing Time For Boba Fett

Yoda had taken Bobas rocketpack out with a force push! Boba Fett was now rocketless. Rocketless and pissed off...

'That's it you little green piece of shit, i have had enough of you now, no more games' Boba Fett shreiked. He pulled out his blaster...

Boba swung his gun upwards and aimed towards Yodas chest, and it hit good. Blood poured out of the little green bastards heart...

Yoda yepled in pain, his jedi powers could not help him this time. He had failed. Every midichlorian in his body seeped out of his wound...

After Boba had finished pumping Yoda full of laser blasts, he took him away, and put him in his 'Jedi Filth Museum'...

The End

By Glassie

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