for the pointless crap previously found on AltComMoCult
Friday, April 14, 2006
Holland Beer Scandal.
Ok, so in a recent escapade to my fridge, to get some food, i found that all of my food was moved to the top part of the fridge along with another persons belongings. There was nothing at all in the space where i normally put my food, and it left me wondering, what in the wide wide world of sports is going on? I then noticed an emptied 12 pack of bavaria beer or something. I put 2 and 2 together, and realised that some junction had put beer in my fridgespace. Next time i see beer in my fridgespace that isnt beer i bought, i am going to put it out on the road bottle by bottle. A 6 pack i can handle, make room for it in my fridge i welcome you, but when it comes to a movage of all my fridgley goods to another section completely, im going to get primitive. If you cant fit a carton in your fridgespace dont buy one to store it. Or if worst comes to worst just fucken ask me and we can sort something out.